Urban Gum Prints – City of Light

Millennium Images
Millennium Images
Millennium Images
Millennium Images

Jason Shenai, our director, will be part of the collective exhibition Gaia at Camden Image Gallery


About the work, Jason says:

These prints combine new and old techniques. I emulate the 19th century method of making a photographic print by coating a sheet of watercolour paper with a light-sensitive emulsion and then exposing it by contact printing a large-format negative. In those days the typical light source was the sun, and development was in water. I use an artificial ultra-violet light. I have on ocassion used the sun, but this is rather unpredictable, especially in the UK.

I have adapted and expanded this technique. I use three different negatives and print with three different colours, one on top of another. This is  similar to “offset litho” printing.

I originate the photographs using a digital camera and then make the three negatives by extracting the different channels in photo-editing software.

The final print is very much an analogue affair. My emulsion is made from a mixture of disolved Kordofan gum-arabic, different  water colour pigments,  and potassium dichromate. Paint brushes and developing trays of water complete my kit

As regards the origination of the negatives this done on a digital camera. My theme is the city at night. I sometimes listen to Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue when I am working. Colour, music, light and movement are all part of my palette.

Visit the exhibition from 12th – 23rd September 2023

Drinks reception: Wednesday 13th September, 6-8pm

Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 6pm

174 Royal College Street Camden London NW1 0SP

Learn more about it here. 

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